FAQ’s - Road Traffic Department
About Us
All RTD offices business hours are from 9am – 4pm, Monday through Friday. These times are adjusted to 9am to 3pm on month end, which represents government pay day and 5 working days after.
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Hits: 1786427-09-2016
It is against the law to operate a vehicle on the public road without having the vehicle licenced and insured. It is the responsibility of the owner to transport the vehicle to the nearest RTD office.
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Hits: 1644927-09-2016
Please visit the nearest Road Traffic Department inspection and registration office to perform the following actions:
- Present the vehicle for inspection
- Produce a valid Insurance Certificate or Cover Note
- Present the Customs import vehicle information slip (provided when importing a vehicle to the Bahamas)
- Provide a Bill of Sale or Invoice (proof of purchase)
- Produce a valid Driver’s Licence for the vehicle owner (s)
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Hits: 1580327-09-2016
Please visit the nearest Road Traffic Department inspection and registration office to perform the following actions:
- Present the vehicle for inspection
- Produce a valid Insurance Certificate or Cover Note
- Produce a valid Driver’s Licence for the vehicle owner (s)
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Hits: 1822227-09-2016
The cost to licence and inspect a vehicle varies depending on several determining factors.Below breaks down these charges as they apply to your vehicle:
Category Vehicle
Licence FeeInspection
CertificatePlate Fees
(New Plates)A
(0-5000 lbs)$160 $35 $15 $15 B
(5001-6900 lbs)$560 $35 $15 $15 C
(over 6900 lbs)$710 $35 $15 $15 Was this helpful?200
Hits: 2044227-09-2016
A Bill of Sale is a legal binding certificate that documents the transfer of personal property between a Buyer and a Seller.This document is required by RTD to transfer the ownership of a vehicle.
RTD policy states that a Bill of Sale must be- Properly typed
- Signed by the owner (s) and the buyer (s) of the vehicle
- Must be dated
- Must have a $.25 stamp on the document
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Hits: 883127-09-2016
A Title certificate is a legal document produced by the Road Traffic Department that documents the ownership of a vehicle once it is registered in the Transport Management System.
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Hits: 922327-09-2016
No, ownership of a plate cannot be transferred. All plates will be assigned to the owner for life.
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Hits: 924427-09-2016
Yes, once the vehicle is registered to the owner of the plate, he/she can transfer the plate to another one of their vehicles.
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Hits: 870927-09-2016
The transfer of ownership can be completed by performing the following:
- Present a valid Driver’s Licence
- Present a valid Insurance Certificate or Cover Note
- TMS will require that the Title Certificate is correctly signed and dated
- Presently, it is required that the Licence Disk and Bill of Sale are properly signed and dated by the registered owner. Please note that Bill of Sales must have a $0.25 stamp adorned to the document
- A police vehicle chassis report from Central Detective Unit (CDU) must be obtained to complete the transfer process
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Hits: 941527-09-2016
No, a vehicle cannot be licenced for two years. However, Section 31 (4)(b)(ii) of the Road Traffic Act states that individuals can licence a vehicle for up to one year or one year extended. Providing, the maximum number of months does not extend beyond twenty three months.
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Hits: 1411627-09-2016
The cost of a replacement Licence Disk is fifteen dollars ($15)
If a person dies and left their vehicle (s) to me; how do I licence the vehicle in my name?
One would have to produce:- Title Certificate
- Licence Disk
- Probate
- Bill of Sale or Transfer Letter, signed and dated by the Executer of the estate
- Valid Insurance Certificate or Insurance Cover Note must also be provided to complete the request
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Hits: 610227-09-2016
You will have to produce a valid Insurance Certificate or Insurance Cover Note with your name only and a Death Certificate for your spouse.
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Hits: 515227-09-2016
No the vehicle ownership cannot be transferred if the registered owner did not sign the Title Certificate or Bill of Sale.
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Hits: 571027-09-2016
Your plate number is assigned to you for life. The Road Traffic Department policy states that the Controller may only grant an individual a new plate number if:
- The vehicle was stolen or used in a crime
- The individual has additional plates and wants to transfer a number from one vehicle to another
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Hits: 695927-09-2016
All makes and models must be checked by the CDU of The Royal Bahamas Police Force if the owner is performing a transfer of ownership.
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Hits: 663327-09-2016
Yes, the law only requires that owners produce a valid Insurance Certificate.
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Hits: 755827-09-2016
No, only original documents will be accepted by the Road Traffic Department.
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Hits: 750527-09-2016
No the Road Traffic Department will not allow vehicles to pass inspection with broken windshields.
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Hits: 707727-09-2016
No, License of a vehicle can now only be applicable by to the month of expiration.
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Hits: 831027-09-2016
This may be possible in the case of a first time vehicle licencing or a vehicle transfer if the birth month of the owner is within the six (6) month period. This is not allowed for a normal renewal licencing. However, it can be done if the vehicle was inoperable for mechanical reasons and the birth month falls within the six (6) month period.
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Hits: 813827-09-2016
You are required to have your Service Representative complete (FORM A). This document will be uploaded in TMS and attached to your file. The documents and fees will be reviewed by the RTD Supervisor at that facility. That individual will determine if the fees will be waived.
Failure to present these documents may result in the individual and/or company paying full licencing fees for the duration the vehicle was inoperable.Was this helpful?43
Hits: 628127-09-2016
Yes, it is required that you produce a valid Business Licence to the Road Traffic Department to licence your company vehicle.
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Hits: 385427-09-2016
Yes, only if the bicycle will be operated on a public road.
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Hits: 765527-09-2016
The owner(s) of the bicycle will have to present the following:
- Bill of Sale or Invoice proof of ownership
- A valid form of identification (Passport, Driver’s Licence, National Insurance Board (NIB) smart card or Birth Certificate)
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Hits: 455527-09-2016
Yes, please follow the below steps:
- Visit www.roadtrafficbahamas.com
- Click Log In at the top right of the screen
- Enter User Name and Password emailed to you after registering at your local RTD Office
- Once logged in click on the pad and pencil icon to activate the Renew Licence Page
- Select the RTD Office where you would like to pick-up your Driver’s Licence
- Enter the duration of the Licence
- Enter the Payment Details and click on the “Process Payment” button
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Hits: 2220827-09-2016
Please see below:
Year(s) of Renewal Cost One (1) yrs $20 Three (3) yrs $60 Five (5) yrs $100 Was this helpful?148
Hits: 1405727-09-2016
The Road Traffic Act states that Learner’s Permits can only be issued to individuals that are at least 17 years old.
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Hits: 1750927-09-2016
The applicant must:
- Present their Passport and NIB card to the Road Traffic Department
- Register in the Transport Management System
- Pay fifteen dollars ($15) to lodge an appointment to take the theory examination
- Once the Theory Examination is passed, a photograph of the applicant will be taken and the Learner’s Permit will be issued
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Hits: 2385227-09-2016
Public Service vehicles must be inspected twice a year to ensure they are kept at a high standard to serve the public.
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Hits: 308827-09-2016
The matter should be reported to the Police and the Road Traffic Complaints Unit at (242) 322-7623 or (242) 322- ROAD.
Please note that photographic proof or video of the incident will assist in the investigation.Was this helpful?18
Hits: 3799